ONCE UPON A TIME I was told during my phone interview that I would hear back about a decision regarding the Disney College Program in 2-3 weeks. I checked my e-mail the next morning (as if I was really going to hear back in less than 12 hours). Then I consistently checked my e-mail for a response every day about six times a day. Disney was all I could think about. I was merely WISHING for the acceptance letter to FIND ME TODAY! It was all I could talk about - my family and friends were probably sick of hearing about it after the first day. To pass the time, I consumed myself with my job and just WHISTLED WHILE I WORKED and HUMMED A MERRY TUNE.

After what seemed like an eternity of SLEEPING DEATH, I finally received an e-mail on March 13th, 2014 in my inbox which read "Congratulations!" in the title. My unrequited love was now requited! Disney, my true love, finally found me - I was accepted into the Disney College Program for Fall 2014! The e-mail issued instructions for logging onto my "dashboard" account which would tell me what my role was and any other necessary information. Although the e-mail addressed me by my last name instead of my first name, it didn't matter - Disney could call me whatever they want! After logging on and reading my acceptance letter, I found out the role I received was Attractions - my first preference! HEIGH HO, HEIGH HO, it's off to the parks I go! I called anyone and everyone to share the good news. I would be resigning from my full-time professional position to fulfill a life long fantasy of becoming a Disney cast member and living HAPPILY EVER AFTER in Walt Disney World for five magical months!

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