One of the coolest things about doing the Disney College program is that you have the opportunity to take Disney-specific classes with other DCPers! The only downside is that the HUNDRED ACRE WEBSITE for course registration is filled with HEFFALUMPS and WOOZLES that will try to snatch your

Collegiate Courses
Advanced Studies in Hospitality Management
Corporate Analysis
Corporate Communication
Creativity and Innovation
Experiential Learning
Human Resources Management
Interactive Learning Program
Marketing You
Organizational Leadership
Disney Exploration Series
Exploring Disney Heritage
Exploring Guest Service
Exploring Leadership
Exploring Marketing
Exploring Cast Engagement and Human Resources
Professional Development Studies
Entertainment Show Production

FRIGHTFULLY FEARFUL ANIMAL when it comes to deciding, so to help, there is a quiz on the website that will assist you in finding out which classes you should take. If you are unsure about classes, Be BRAVER THAN YOU BELIEVE and leap into Disney University! This is your only opportunity to take classes taught by real Disney professionals in Disney World. You can't ask for a much better deal than that! Oh and on top of everything, the courses are FREE! All you pay for are materials that are assigned to the class - but no tuition! OH D-D-D-D-DEAR! Did you ever think you would hear that without having a scholarship?
In order to find out registration time, you might need to leave the comfort of your RABBIT HOLE and go exploring. I personally did not receive an advance e-mail about course registration. As a Fall Cast Member, I needed to register June 23rd at 12:00 a.m. I found out this information through the DCP Facebook pages. A lot of future cast members called Disney Recruiting to find out the date and time for registration because it was not posted on the website until the day of registration. So pick up your GARDENING TOOLS and DIG for that registration date. Otherwise you'll find yourself shorthanded on

When you first go on to the website for registration ( It will have the season of registration listed along with which arrival dates can register. Click on "register for a class." Once you click that, the orange circle of death will likely show up on your screen unless you are extremely lucky. That circle will say that the server is busy but the page will keep loading automatically. It does load automatically so don't keep refreshing the page. I had the orange circle for about 7 minutes before I finally got through. It is definitely NOT BOUNCY TROUNCY FLOUNCY POUNCY FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN - it's quite nerve wracking.

When you finally get through, it will ask for your cell phone number. Include the dashes in the number when you type it in. It will also ask which program you are involved in.Then submit it and it will bring you to the next page.

The next page has a description of all the courses available. If you already did your research and know what you want to take, just BOUNCE right over that page and move on. It will save you time and give you a better chance of getting into your classes. Then Disney will ask for what your interested in. This is not the course registration page. It's a page to bring up classes that match the interests checked off. Just check every box instead of sifting through to save time and all the courses will show up after clicking submit.

Once I picked the available classes, I submitted them and received a confirmation of the classes I was registered for. I also received an e-mail confirming them
as well. Make sure you check for that e-mail! If you don't get the confirmation e-mail, something likely went wrong in the registration process.
After that, you're all finished. You can kiss the hundred acre website good-bye. Or if you plan on changing anything, just say TTFN - TA TA FOR NOW!
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