I applied for Disney in February of 2013. After completing
the initial application with all my information and work experience, I received
an e-mail the next day with an invitation to complete the Web Based Interview.
I completed the web-based interview and was mortified to see “You are not a
good fit for Disney.” My dream was frozen in time. How could I not be a good
fit for Disney? My life was pretty much all about Disney! My MENTAL
SYNCHRONIZATION with Disney made me think that there was ONE EXPLANATION – WE WERE
MEANT TO BE. I guess I was wrong. I was willing to give up a full-time professional position to work
a college internship in order to fulfill a dream, and Disney was telling me I
wasn’t the right fit. This was the start of my unrequited love for Disney. *Spoiler Alert* I
felt like Princess Anna when Hans told her he was never actually in love with her. I
could have really used a warm hug from Olaf after this.
After being dismissed from the rest of the application
program, I wrote a letter to Disney in the midst of my heart-break. I never
sent it. I don’t think I ever intended to send it. Basically it consisted of my
thoughts on how it was decided who was and wasn’t a Disney FIXER-UPPER. I also
wrote that the rejection did not hinder my love for
Disney and everything it has given to me growing up. I wrote the letter more
for myself than anything, knowing that it wasn’t actually Disney’s fault I did
not get accepted. Maybe it was fate. Maybe I wasn’t meant to work for the
company. Maybe someone knew it would shatter my glass house of fantasy. At that
point, I just decided to LET IT GO. I could pretend like it NEVER BOTHERED ME ANYWAY.
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